Miss Guiyun Qiu United Kingdom

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
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Headquartner in China
University of Edinburgh

Ryan Quick United States

Drive Therapeutics is developing a novel, long acting, bispecific nucleic acid therapeutic to block the angiogenesis, inflammation, and fibrosis underlying retinal disease. Drive’s lead program is a bispecific aptamer therapeutic made up of two well validated components: a pan-specific anti-VEGF-A aptamer and an anti-Interleukin-8 (IL8) aptamer. Drive’s lead program will mitigate poor patient response to existing anti-VEGF therapy, improve outcomes and reduce patient burden. By targeting both angiogenesis and a critical immune pathway that drives both inflammation and angiogenesis, Drive’s bispecific inhibitor is the key to overcoming the limitations of VEGF monotherapy. In addition to current candidates, Drive’s aptamer therapeutic discovery platform will allow for streamlined, efficient development of new therapies to pathologically relevant ophthalmologic targets.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Drive Therapeutics, LLC
Co-founder and COO 