Dr. Jenny Blamey United States

Swissaustral is a worldwide specialist in Extreme Biotechnology developing innovative solutions for non-standard technological challenges in Life Sciences and different areas of Industry. Our company exploits the potential of extremophilic microorganisms and their unexplored metabolic pathways as a unique and diverse natural source for biocompounds of various industrial applications going from pharmaceutical, chemical, food and biotechnology.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
To find companies in China interested in distributing and commercialize our products and services
Headquartner in China
Your Research Tool and Service name
Extremophilic enzymes, other biocompounds endotoxin free of high purity
Service Description
We offer some highly stable enzymes for different applications. Our endotoxin free enzymes could be used in pharma developments. We provide services discovering new enzymes and other biocompounds of high stability.
Target client type
Pharma and biotech companies
Chief Scientific Officer 

Richard Brand United States

20/20 GeneSystems, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland (outside of Washington, D.C.), is a revenue stage diagnostics company that uses machine learning algorithms to greatly improve the accuracy of laboratory tests for the early detection of cancer and other diseases.  In the most recent calendar year our revenues grew to over $2 million aided by several COVID-19 tests that we are successfully commercializing. 


Our multi-cancer early detection blood test (www.OneTest.Ai) measures tumor antigens and uses a machine learning algorithm powered by outcome data from over 230,000 individuals tested in real-world screening settings.  OneTest is a highly accessible and affordable pre-test that can be followed up with more expensive and specific circulating tumor DNA tests such as those being developed by Grail and Thrive Earlier Detection.  (Those companies were recently acquired for $8 billion and $2 billion respectively.)      


20/20’s institutional investors include Ping An, one of the largest digital health and insurance companies in China, and several well-regarded American funds.   We are working to an initial public offering in 2021 and are now lining up IPO “crossover” investors.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Chinese marketing partners and investors
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Assets Information 1
OneTest|early detection from blood|multiple cancers|
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
20/20 GeneSystems, Inc.

Dr. Marillyn Bruno United States

The United Nations called for the One Heath approach to combating pandemic threats at the 3 vectors of transmission: animals to people, people to people, and environment to people -- and vice versa.

Aequor is the only company with products that control antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) pathogens at all 3 vectors of transmission.

Twenty-five of our small molecules remove biofilm in minutes, prevent biofilm formation for days, kill AMR and multi-drug-resistant (MDR) pathogens alone and in combination with existing biocides at sub-MIC levels -- reducing the need for harmful, toxic biocides. These 25 are EPA approved and available in ton quantities. They are used in our proprietary products for environmental sanitation: surface cleaners, water treatments and industrial process enhancers (boost algae and yeast biomass by up to 40% for use in biofuels and bio-based co-products (food, feed, nutraceuticals, chemicals, plastics, materials, etc.).

Our new drug candidates are in pre-clinical Hit-to-Leas stage. They kill the latest clinical strains sent to Aequor by the NIH and CDC. The NIH awarded Aequor free pre-IND trials to develop up to 4 of them and the DOD offered the same to develop 5 of them. They are derived from a new genus and several new species of marine microbes that produce “green,” non-toxic chemicals that target Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and fungi.

Our products uniquely kill bacteria and fungi at all stages of growth -- including biofilm. Biofilm is the first resistance response of microorganisms to protect themselves against environmental stresses and is associated with most infections and diseases. Removal of biofilm by surface scraping, UV, heat, biocides and antibiotics, etc. signal to the underlying microorganisms when and how fast to build a thicker biofilm shield.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) associate biofilm with 90% of hospital-acquired infections, such as those caused by contamination on indwelling medical devices, ventilators, and water and air systems. The CDC recently reported that 20% of U.S. COVID deaths were due to these secondary infections. Additional life-threatening infections are increasingly traced to biofilm in air and water systems in institutional and commercial buildings and homes. For example, Legionnaire’s Disease, which claimed 17 lives, was traced to biofilm in a hotel’s air conditioners that became aerosolized and inhaled. It is no coincidence that every pathogen on the CDC and WHO lists of urgent threats, pandemic threats, and bioterrorist threats is a biofilm-former. Every drug-resistant “Superbug” strain is a biofilm-former and is considered incurable. Additionally, several microbial species are captures in the same biofilm, increasing the incidence of horizontal gene transfer (Li et al., 2001; Angles et al., 1993; Dunny et al., 1995) and spawning the emergence of new antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) strains.

There are few remedies for biofilm. Physical removal (sterilization, scraping, UV) works for a short-term (e.g., biofilm was recorded on a titanium plate within 30 seconds of sterilization). Biocides (antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, and antibiotics) are designed to kill free-floating (planktonic), actively growing microorganisms, and the dose of needed to disrupt a biofilm is approximately 1000x the concentrations that are effective against planktonic bacteria (Raffa et al., 2003), which is a dose that is lethal to humans. The overuse of biocides and antibiotics has contributed to the emergence of the AMR Superbugs – and left a cumulative and persistent environmental footprint. Natural antimicrobials, such as silver and other metals, are expensive and eventually trigger the formation of thicker biofilm, resulting in the loss of efficacy over time.

If you combat biofilm at all vectors of transmission, you control AMR pandemic threats.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
For developed products: licensee. For pharma products: strategic partner for development of therapeutics
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Assets Information 1
A1001|Small molecule|Kill broad spectrum AMR pathogens|U.S., EU, Canada
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Aequor, Inc.

CEO Marilyn Bruno Bruno United States

The United Nations called for the One Heath approach to combating pandemic threats at the 3 vectors of transmission: animals to people, people to people, and environment to people -- and vice versa.

Aequor is the only company with products that control antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) pathogens at all 3 vectors of transmission.

Twenty-five of our small molecules remove biofilm in minutes, prevent biofilm formation for days, kill AMR and multi-drug-resistant (MDR) pathogens alone and in combination with existing biocides at sub-MIC levels -- reducing the need for harmful, toxic biocides. These 25 are EPA approved and available in ton quantities. They are used in our proprietary products for environmental sanitation: surface cleaners, water treatments and industrial process enhancers (boost algae and yeast biomass by up to 40% for use in biofuels and bio-based co-products (food, feed, nutraceuticals, chemicals, plastics, materials, etc.).

Our new drug candidates are in pre-clinical Hit-to-Leas stage. They kill the latest clinical strains sent to Aequor by the NIH and CDC. The NIH awarded Aequor free pre-IND trials to develop up to 4 of them and the DOD offered the same to develop 5 of them. They are derived from a new genus and several new species of marine microbes that produce “green,” non-toxic chemicals that target Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and fungi.

Our products uniquely kill bacteria and fungi at all stages of growth -- including biofilm. Biofilm is the first resistance response of microorganisms to protect themselves against environmental stresses and is associated with most infections and diseases. Removal of biofilm by surface scraping, UV, heat, biocides and antibiotics, etc. signal to the underlying microorganisms when and how fast to build a thicker biofilm shield.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) associate biofilm with 90% of hospital-acquired infections, such as those caused by contamination on indwelling medical devices, ventilators, and water and air systems. The CDC recently reported that 20% of U.S. COVID deaths were due to these secondary infections. Additional life-threatening infections are increasingly traced to biofilm in air and water systems in institutional and commercial buildings and homes. For example, Legionnaire’s Disease, which claimed 17 lives, was traced to biofilm in a hotel’s air conditioners that became aerosolized and inhaled. It is no coincidence that every pathogen on the CDC and WHO lists of urgent threats, pandemic threats, and bioterrorist threats is a biofilm-former. Every drug-resistant “Superbug” strain is a biofilm-former and is considered incurable. Additionally, several microbial species are captures in the same biofilm, increasing the incidence of horizontal gene transfer (Li et al., 2001; Angles et al., 1993; Dunny et al., 1995) and spawning the emergence of new antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) strains.

There are few remedies for biofilm. Physical removal (sterilization, scraping, UV) works for a short-term (e.g., biofilm was recorded on a titanium plate within 30 seconds of sterilization). Biocides (antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, and antibiotics) are designed to kill free-floating (planktonic), actively growing microorganisms, and the dose of needed to disrupt a biofilm is approximately 1000x the concentrations that are effective against planktonic bacteria (Raffa et al., 2003), which is a dose that is lethal to humans. The overuse of biocides and antibiotics has contributed to the emergence of the AMR Superbugs – and left a cumulative and persistent environmental footprint. Natural antimicrobials, such as silver and other metals, are expensive and eventually trigger the formation of thicker biofilm, resulting in the loss of efficacy over time.

If you combat biofilm at all vectors of transmission, you control AMR pandemic threats.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
For developed products: licensee. For pharma products: strategic partner for development of therapeutics
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Assets Information 1
A1001|Small molecule|Kill broad spectrum AMR pathogens|U.S., EU, Canada
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Aequor, Inc.
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Dr. Edith Chang United States

KLUS Pharma

Chang Chang United States

Private university in U.S.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
Headquartner in China
Medtech Category
University of Southern California
MBA student 

Cheng Charles United States

Knightway Capital is a global investment firm focusing on med-tech, fin-tech, and legal-tech investments. We commit people, knowledge, and capital to empower revolutionary ideas and help exceptional entrepreneurs build enterprises contributing to the common good and long-term prosperity of society.

We are founded by a team of experienced professionals and executives with extensive industry expertise and backed by the most connected and influential investors and partners in the business ecosystem.
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Knightway Capital

Dr. Donghai Chen United States

Protheragen’s business is growing rapidly after founded in Ronkonkoma, New York in 2009. More offices have been established at different locations across China and the US ever since. Our business has evolved from the initial intermediary service to encompass segments in equity investment and program incubation.

To continue our development, part of our strategies requires us to constantly seeking high-quality novel drug research and development programs that are open to collaboration opportunities. Relying on strong industry resources and connections built up throughout the years, we welcome partnerships in the following structures: equity investment, intermediary service and project incubation.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
equity investment and program incubation
Headquartner in China
Protheragen Inc.
Business Development Director 

Dr. Kai Chen United States

MID Labs has been associated with vitreoretinal surgery from its infancy. Not only has MID Labs invented the tools for modern vitrectomy, but as a company, we have been instrumental in revolutionizing the ophthalmic field through our products.

MID Labs continues to innovate with the MID Labs branded product line which is supplied to more than 30 countries around the world. These products set the standard for precision, performance, and quality.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
marketing partner
Headquartner in China
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
Vitrectomy cutter||
Medtech Development Stage

Xiaodong Chen United States

The Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SAPA) was established in 1993 and is headquartered in the center of the pharmaceutical corridor in New Jersey, USA.  Since its inception, SAPA rapidly became one of the most active Chinese professional associations in the US with eight chapters and more than 6,000 members.

SAPA’s members are primarily from large and mid-sized pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the US, with areas of expertise covering almost every aspect of pharmaceutical research and development as well as production.

The organization’s large membership base and their superb scientific and technical abilities has allowed SAPA to be a key source for knowledge exchange on the latest developments in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and generic drug industries.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Attending the conference and look for partners
Headquartner in China
Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association
President (2021-2022) 