Adragos Pharma Germany

Private equity firm
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Both raising further funds and driving deal pipeline
Headquartner in China
Mr. Andreas Raabe

Aequor, Inc. United States

The United Nations called for the One Heath approach to combating pandemic threats at the 3 vectors of transmission: animals to people, people to people, and environment to people -- and vice versa.

Aequor is the only company with products that control antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) pathogens at all 3 vectors of transmission.

Twenty-five of our small molecules remove biofilm in minutes, prevent biofilm formation for days, kill AMR and multi-drug-resistant (MDR) pathogens alone and in combination with existing biocides at sub-MIC levels -- reducing the need for harmful, toxic biocides. These 25 are EPA approved and available in ton quantities. They are used in our proprietary products for environmental sanitation: surface cleaners, water treatments and industrial process enhancers (boost algae and yeast biomass by up to 40% for use in biofuels and bio-based co-products (food, feed, nutraceuticals, chemicals, plastics, materials, etc.).

Our new drug candidates are in pre-clinical Hit-to-Leas stage. They kill the latest clinical strains sent to Aequor by the NIH and CDC. The NIH awarded Aequor free pre-IND trials to develop up to 4 of them and the DOD offered the same to develop 5 of them. They are derived from a new genus and several new species of marine microbes that produce “green,” non-toxic chemicals that target Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and fungi.

Our products uniquely kill bacteria and fungi at all stages of growth -- including biofilm. Biofilm is the first resistance response of microorganisms to protect themselves against environmental stresses and is associated with most infections and diseases. Removal of biofilm by surface scraping, UV, heat, biocides and antibiotics, etc. signal to the underlying microorganisms when and how fast to build a thicker biofilm shield.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) associate biofilm with 90% of hospital-acquired infections, such as those caused by contamination on indwelling medical devices, ventilators, and water and air systems. The CDC recently reported that 20% of U.S. COVID deaths were due to these secondary infections. Additional life-threatening infections are increasingly traced to biofilm in air and water systems in institutional and commercial buildings and homes. For example, Legionnaire’s Disease, which claimed 17 lives, was traced to biofilm in a hotel’s air conditioners that became aerosolized and inhaled. It is no coincidence that every pathogen on the CDC and WHO lists of urgent threats, pandemic threats, and bioterrorist threats is a biofilm-former. Every drug-resistant “Superbug” strain is a biofilm-former and is considered incurable. Additionally, several microbial species are captures in the same biofilm, increasing the incidence of horizontal gene transfer (Li et al., 2001; Angles et al., 1993; Dunny et al., 1995) and spawning the emergence of new antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) strains.

There are few remedies for biofilm. Physical removal (sterilization, scraping, UV) works for a short-term (e.g., biofilm was recorded on a titanium plate within 30 seconds of sterilization). Biocides (antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, and antibiotics) are designed to kill free-floating (planktonic), actively growing microorganisms, and the dose of needed to disrupt a biofilm is approximately 1000x the concentrations that are effective against planktonic bacteria (Raffa et al., 2003), which is a dose that is lethal to humans. The overuse of biocides and antibiotics has contributed to the emergence of the AMR Superbugs – and left a cumulative and persistent environmental footprint. Natural antimicrobials, such as silver and other metals, are expensive and eventually trigger the formation of thicker biofilm, resulting in the loss of efficacy over time.

If you combat biofilm at all vectors of transmission, you control AMR pandemic threats.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
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For developed products: licensee. For pharma products: strategic partner for development of therapeutics
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Assets Information 1
A1001|Small molecule|Kill broad spectrum AMR pathogens|U.S., EU, Canada
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
CEO Marilyn Bruno Bruno
LinkedIn logo CEO 
Dr. Marillyn Bruno

Ansun Biopharma United States

Our mission is very simple: to use immunology to save the lives of the most vulnerable. Whether it’s the young who have yet to develop strong immune systems, the elderly who suffer from waning immune systems, or the immunocompromised whose immune systems are insufficient do to acquired medical conditions or the treatments thereof, Ansun’s mission is to discover and use novel approaches to develop therapies that prevent, treat, and cure some of the world’s most vexing human diseases. This has been our mission since 2003, when Ansun was formed for the purpose of developing a novel approach to treat otherwise untreatable pandemic flu strains (in fact, all flu strains), and it remains our mission today.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
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Headquartner in China
Max Wang

AusperBio China

Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Guofeng Cheng

Avancpharma China

Manufacturing company
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Hayden Gu

Aventurine Capital Management, LLC United States

We bring foundational science and commercial viability together for social and market impact.

We provide a human innovation ecosystem offering commercially focused support for inventors.


6 practice areas: AI, Robotics, Life Science, Quantum Computing, Energy, Secure Platforms & Networks
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
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Strategic collaboration
Headquartner in China
Mr. Avery Lu
Investment Research Lead 

Bioxytran/Pharmalectin United States

Pharmalectin is working on the end-to-end solution for COVID-19 mild to severe cases and treatment for organ damage caused by the virus. The company has developed a novel method designed to reduce the viral load and modulate the immune system using a galectin inhibitor.

Academic study on a small number of patients with the first drug candidate had positive results. The viral load was reduced to zero in all mild/moderate patient after a few days. The drug is not toxic and had no adverse effects. It can prevent spread of infection in 24 hours. It is complementary to vaccination and can prevent infection from close contact. Next step is stage III trials for a bigger group of patients.

We are looking for investors to fund our next phase.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
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We are raising money for phase III trials
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Mr. David Platt

China医药创新促进会 China

China医药创新促进会(原名“China医药工业科研开发促进会”,简称“China药促会”),英文名称:China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Research Development Association(PhIRDA),成立于1988年,是经国家民政部登记注册的非营利性全国性4A级社会组织。
根 李

Covate Pharma Singapore

Based Singapore, to partner drug development for US/EU/ASEAN market. Founder background - Pharmacist background with PHD, School of Pharmacy London, UK - Worked in Early drug discover and development @ Novartis-UK , commercial side Manufacturing science and technology MS&T in Novartis - Singapore and - Global technical operations -GTO, MSD - Singapore; Drug Device combination products. - Involved in successful filing of several INDs applied the concepts to drug development in a virtual small Biotech, to prepare for Phase 3 clinical trials Partnering objectives - Partner with likeminded companies to address the challenges posed by Covid-19 pandemic - Entrepreneurship, Start-ups, Joint ventures, Fundraising Primary area of expertise Drug Development, IND, NDA, Process validation, CMC, Technology transfer, Digital medicines, Digital Therapies, Entrepreneurship

in progress
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Drug development
Headquartner in China
Slides Deck
(pdf, 493.71KB)
Dr. Ameet Ambarkhane