Aeola Health Solutions United States

An investment group transforming

the world of healthcare one sector at a time.

We consolidate CROs and medical labs.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Find potential investors and strategic partners. Our strategy allows investors to triple their investment.
Headquartner in China
Mr. Michael Ezem
Aeola Health Solutions 

BioPegasus, LLC United States

BioPegasus, LLC specializes in a cost-effective and robust post-proteomics and post-protein and peptide array technology biomarker and target discovery technology platform. This proprietary platform is unique and transformative, allowing systematic, thorough and unambiguous discovery, identification and isolation of tissue-specific and disease-specific autoantigens and key disease drivers/proteins and their genes, and disease-specific antibodies in order to solve some most challenging problems of our time. It aims to accelerate novel therapeutic and diagnostic development for some devastating diseases to improve our health and quality of life. These diseases include autoimmune diseases, cancer, and, in particular, Alzheimer’s disease.

BioPegasus' technology platform provides a revolutionary tool for systematical and thorough studying novel molecular interactions and mechanism of actions with any molecule of interest. The platform can be used to provide contract services with royalty payment potential to research institutions and companies in IVD, biotech and pharma sectors. The technology can also be packaged into commercial product(s) with a user manual for sale in the market world-wide.

BioPegasus currently is operated by its founder looking for an investor(s), partner(s), and sponsor(s)/client(s) or any form of collaboration/interest.

not available
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
1) Seeking investment(s) for developing cost-effective and minimally invasive blood antibody biomarker tests for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and early detection (a 3-year project); and/or 2) Looking for any interested party(ies) to work together.
Headquartner in China
Assets Information 1
biomarker and target discovery technology platform|||
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Your Research Tool and Service name
A unique and transformative λ phage cDNA expression library construction and screening (not phage display). A cost-effective and robust novel biomarker and target discovery technology platform for novel diagnostic and therapeutic development.
Service Description
BioPegasus' technology platform provides a revolutionary tool for systematically and thoroughly studying novel molecular interactions and mechanism of actions with any molecule of interest and allowing unambiguous discovery, identification and isolation of tissue-specific and disease-specific autoantigens and key disease drivers/proteins and their genes, and disease-specific antibodies in order to solve some most challenging problems of our time in novel diagnostic and therapeutic development.
Target client type
1) As diagnostic and early detection tests for Alzheimer's disease: general population for early detection (POCT, age 50 years and better) and patients for severity and diagnosis (lab tests); 2) As a research tool: client types include research institutions and diagnostic IVD, biotech and pharma companies
Slides Deck
(pdf, 957.61KB)
Dr. Tianlin Ma

Covate Pharma Singapore

Based Singapore, to partner drug development for US/EU/ASEAN market. Founder background - Pharmacist background with PHD, School of Pharmacy London, UK - Worked in Early drug discover and development @ Novartis-UK , commercial side Manufacturing science and technology MS&T in Novartis - Singapore and - Global technical operations -GTO, MSD - Singapore; Drug Device combination products. - Involved in successful filing of several INDs applied the concepts to drug development in a virtual small Biotech, to prepare for Phase 3 clinical trials Partnering objectives - Partner with likeminded companies to address the challenges posed by Covid-19 pandemic - Entrepreneurship, Start-ups, Joint ventures, Fundraising Primary area of expertise Drug Development, IND, NDA, Process validation, CMC, Technology transfer, Digital medicines, Digital Therapies, Entrepreneurship

in progress
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Drug development
Headquartner in China
Slides Deck
(pdf, 493.71KB)
Dr. Ameet Ambarkhane

Dao Tun GmbH Switzerland

Dao Tun is a consulting company, founded in 2019, specialised in cross-border collaboration between Europe and China, primarily in the healthcare and life science industry.
Dao Tun is based in the Basel region, one of the world's leading clusters for Pharma and Life Sciences and also part of the trinational Biovalley region (Switzerland, Germany, France).
Dao Tun team provides customised strategy and execution plan via in-depth interview and targeted research; quickly gains insights into the association and matching between potential partners to make accurate and effective connections; simplifies the processes, reduces the cost of communication, and establishes the trust with full care.
Dao Tun is a bridge builder who excels at understanding and interpreting their interests and needs, and aligning perspectives of different stakeholders and across cultures for win-win-win situation.

Dr. Tianke Wang
Dr. Tianke Wang

GenScript USA United States

Synthetic biology company, DNA cold data storage
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Investment for DNA cold data storage
Headquartner in China
Dr. Michael Lau

Grektek United States

The everbeat platform is being offered by Grektek, whose mission is to help dramatically improve cardiac care. We created everbeat to improve our ability to take care of ourselves, especially as we get older, and with a strong focus on heart health. Most existing solutions related to cardiac care are unattractive and cumbersome, and brand the patient as weak or sickly. At Grektek, we designed everbeat to be elegant and simple, allowing patients to take better care of themselves with dignity and comfort. We also believe that patients will enjoy the everbeat solution, which means they will use it consistently for a long time – and sustained use of a cardiac monitoring platform is essential to getting healthy.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Medical organizations looking to deploy remote patient monitoring solutions that can be proved to help their patients.
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Assets Information 1
Everbeat Watch|Watch that can take a clinical grade ECG||USA
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
Everbeat | wearable ECG band | USA
Medtech Development Stage
Mr. Greg Eoyang


CRO Preclinical
In vivo efficacy evaluation in oncology
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
New customers and partners
Headquartner in China
Mr. Philippe Fornies
Head of Business Development 

Mira Life Science Ventures United States

Mira Life Science Ventures was established to change the paradigm for investment, incubation and development of new disruptive and game-changing technologies in the life sciences. Mira LSV will invest in medical devices, therapeutics, diagnostics, enabling technologies and digital healthcare. Mira LSV will focus its efforts in areas of significant unmet medical needs such as cancer, neurological diseases, infectious disease, autoimmune disease, inflammatory diseases, personalized medicine, cardiovascular disease and renal diseases.

In order to change the venture investment paradigm, Mira LSV was formed to break out of the traditional venture model and move to a more flexible, nimble and shareholder-centric model to accelerate development of these break-through products and technologies and bring them to patients. Mira LSV’s highly flexible business structure, broad and diverse access to deal-flow and highly experienced management team will ensure we have a significant positive impact on our healthcare system.

Mr. Mel Rothberg

MSQ Ventures United States

MSQ Ventures is a New York-based cross-border advisory firm that bridges the healthcare industries globally by offering our deep knowledge, strong network, and local insights into the China market. We provide comprehensive advisory services for our clients’ cross-border projects: market assessment, in/out-licensing, joint ventures, and PR&IR. We currently have offices in New York (headquarter), Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.
Mr. Estigarribia Marc