Our vision is: Curing cancer, pushing science to its limits and contributing to safe medical devices around the world!

As a medical device software specialist, we help MedTech startups get to their next milestone faster and safer. We have 20 years of experience and 220 in-house engineers to back you up and get you to the finish line - getting your device to market.
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Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
TO EMPOWER HIGH quartile medical startups
Headquartner in China
Medtech Category
Mr. Jeff Cao

BioValleyCHINA Ventures United States

Assist Consultation, Assistance, Service
• Identify Distribution Opportunities, Partners, Joint Ventures
• Guidance for Product Registration (SFDA), Regulatory Issues
• Intellectual Property Assessment
• Develop Successful Business Strategy
• Marketing/Analysis
• Manufacturing/Sourcing
• Investment Advisory

Paul DeRidder

BVCF United States

Healthcare Venture Capital Fund headquartered in Shangahi
Kim Nearing
Venture Partner 

Dao Tun GmbH Switzerland

Dao Tun is a consulting company, founded in 2019, specialised in cross-border collaboration between Europe and China, primarily in the healthcare and life science industry.
Dao Tun is based in the Basel region, one of the world's leading clusters for Pharma and Life Sciences and also part of the trinational Biovalley region (Switzerland, Germany, France).
Dao Tun team provides customised strategy and execution plan via in-depth interview and targeted research; quickly gains insights into the association and matching between potential partners to make accurate and effective connections; simplifies the processes, reduces the cost of communication, and establishes the trust with full care.
Dao Tun is a bridge builder who excels at understanding and interpreting their interests and needs, and aligning perspectives of different stakeholders and across cultures for win-win-win situation.

Dr. Tianke Wang
Dr. Tianke Wang

DHVC United States

Life Science and Healthcare Venture Capital Investor
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
Headquartner in China
Medtech Development Stage
Ali Farahanchi
Managing Director 

Mavie Technologies China

MAVIE Technologies is an investment banking boutique in Chinese-Western healthcare transactions providing commercially-focused, end to end advice to maximize deal certainty and increase the intended value of transactions. Our team combines deal structuring sophistication and experience - whether it is private placement, secondary shares sale, joint-venture, licensing or M&A - with deep Chinese healthcare insights, strategic thinking and proprietary access. We add unique value in visualizing, negotiating and closing the deal.
Olivier d'Arros
LinkedIn logo Managing Partner 
Mrs. Ari Silverman

Mira Life Science Ventures United States

Mira Life Science Ventures was established to change the paradigm for investment, incubation and development of new disruptive and game-changing technologies in the life sciences. Mira LSV will invest in medical devices, therapeutics, diagnostics, enabling technologies and digital healthcare. Mira LSV will focus its efforts in areas of significant unmet medical needs such as cancer, neurological diseases, infectious disease, autoimmune disease, inflammatory diseases, personalized medicine, cardiovascular disease and renal diseases.

In order to change the venture investment paradigm, Mira LSV was formed to break out of the traditional venture model and move to a more flexible, nimble and shareholder-centric model to accelerate development of these break-through products and technologies and bring them to patients. Mira LSV’s highly flexible business structure, broad and diverse access to deal-flow and highly experienced management team will ensure we have a significant positive impact on our healthcare system.

Mr. Mel Rothberg

Product Creation Studio United States

PCS provides new product engineering and design services for medical device and Medtech companies. We have served enterprise and entrepreneurs for over two decades and our QMS is ISO13485:2016 certified.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Provide high-end medical device design capabilities to Chinese healthcare companies.
Headquartner in China
Target client type
Companies in need of custom medical devices, drug delivery solutions, diagnostics or research tools
Dr. Scott Thielman


We develop a medical device that treats cancer tumors as an alternative to surgery
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
To Perform Clinical Trials together in order to launch the product in China
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
Medtech Development Stage
Slides Deck
(pdf, 2.67MB)
Anan Copty
Founder & CEO 