Dr. Weihong Xu United States

Stanford Genome Technology Center
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
technology development partnership
Headquartner in China
Your Research Tool and Service name

wenlian xu China

New drug development
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
GH Therapeutics

Mr. Kenneth Xu China

Genova Inc., a bio-pharma company dedicated in the innovation of better protein-drugs for viral diseases, cancer and auto-immune diseases. Novaferon ,the first novel protein drug of Genova, shows antiviral efficacy on viral clearance in a proof of concept randomized clinical trial and approved by Healthcare Canada and PMDA of Japan entering into phase 3 multinational centers clinical trial in last December. We are right looking for strategic parthership with big pharma. Contact: ctxu@genova.cn

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
To work with a reputable pharmaceutical, or medical institute, or government agency, on scientific and business development of Novaferon as an antiviral drug for COVID-19. Cooperating specifically on organizing and managing international clinical trials, laboratory and animal studies for COVID-19. Licensing rights for COVID-19 applications of Novaferon in defined territories, further equity cooperation might be accordingly considered
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Genova Inc
Vice President & Corporate Secretary 

Mrs. Shirley Xu China

Yonghua Capital is an institutional investor, with headquarter in Shanghai and portfolio overseas. We have invested in over 40 companies in healthcare field over past 5 years.
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Yonghua Capital
Executive Director 

Shawn Xu

Simcere Innovation
Managing Director and COO 

Siyuan Xu China

VISEN Pharmaceuticals, headquartered in Shanghai, China, is committed to the treatment of endocrine-related disease, introducing the world’s leading treatment methods and drugs into the China market, benefiting Chinese patients while unleashing product potential.

VISEN Pharmaceuticals (VISEN) was formed by Ascendis Pharma A/S (Nasdaq: ASND) and an investor syndicate led by Vivo Capital (along with participation by Sofinnova Ventures), to develop and commercialize Ascendis Pharma’s endocrinology rare disease therapies in Greater China. The pipeline of VISEN covers pediatric endocrinology, adult endocrinology, and rare disease. VISEN management team has extensive experience in the development and commercialization of endocrine disease products in Greater China. VISEN has a deep understanding of unmet medical needs in Chinese patients and is actively expanding its pipeline through in-licensing and partnership.
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
VISEN Pharmaceutical
Senior BD Manager 

Mr. Evan Xu China

Genetron Holdings Limited (“Genetron Health” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: GTH) is a leading precision oncology platform company in China that specializes in cancer molecular profiling and harnesses advanced technologies in molecular biology and data science to transform cancer treatment. The Company has developed a comprehensive oncology portfolio that covers the entire spectrum of cancer management, addressing needs and challenges from early screening, diagnosis and treatment recommendations, as well as continuous disease monitoring and care. Genetron Health also partners with global biopharmaceutical companies and offers customized services and products.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Headquartner in China
Genetron Health
Chief Financial Officer 

Yuan Xudong United States

Please contact us using Acon Pharmaceutical Inc. 

Headquartner in China
Pharma - Acon Pharma