Articulate Labs United States

Articulate Labs builds wearable medical devices amplify muscle growth throughout everyday activity to help others conquer functional limitations and to restore physical capability

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Headquartner in China
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
Gait-synchronous quadriceps electrical muscle stimulation for faster, more convenient knee rehabilitation
Mr Josh Rabinowitz
Mr Josh Rabinowitz
LinkedIn logo Co-Founder & CEO 

astra zeneca United Kingdom

UK Pharmaceutical
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Partnering Objectives
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License in and out
Headquartner in China
Ms. Wei Shi

AstraZeneca China

Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Jinmei Liu
Sean Li
BD head (med onco) 

Astrocyte Pharmaceuticals United States

Astrocyte Pharmaceuticals is a preclinical CNS drug development company advancing breakthrough therapeutic agents for treating brain injury patients. Astrocyte is developing the proprietary small molecule pharmaceutical agent AST-004 for acute administration to patients who have suffered a stroke, TBI, or concussion. This product would be administered by intravenous injection by emergency responders or a medical professional within 24 hours of injury to limit neuronal damage and cell death. Our approach at Astrocyte Pharmaceuticals differs significantly from historical neuroprotective attempts as we focus on a non-neuronal cell type, the astrocyte, which is the most common cell type in the human brain and has only recently received broader attention as an important cellular target for therapeutic research. The company recently demonstrated AST-004's significant efficacy in an NHP stroke study that mirrors the planned Phase 2 clinical study, and large safety margins in GLP toxicology studies. The company completed its Series A financing in Q4 2020.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
Explore out-licensing of China commercialization rights
Headquartner in China
Assets Information 1
AST-004|Adenosine A3 receptor agonist|stroke, TBI, concussion, Alzheimer's, pain, etc.|USA; China and other countries pending
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Dr. William Korinek
Dr. William Korinek
LinkedIn logo CEO 

Atropos Therapeutics United States

senescence company
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Seed capital
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Mr. Ethan Than
Head of BD 

Aventurine Capital Management, LLC United States

We bring foundational science and commercial viability together for social and market impact.

We provide a human innovation ecosystem offering commercially focused support for inventors.


6 practice areas: AI, Robotics, Life Science, Quantum Computing, Energy, Secure Platforms & Networks
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Strategic collaboration
Headquartner in China
Mr. Avery Lu
Investment Research Lead 


BalinBac Therapeutics, Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical development company headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, focused on rapidly bringing both repurposed and new antivirals and antibiotics to market. BalinBac started working on coronavirus drug solutions in January 2020 when the team predicted the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our scientists and therapeutics development executives have a wealth of working knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry and have a track record of successfully bringing key antiviral and antibacterial drugs to market. We know how to rapidly get drugs to patients and what it takes to get this work done quickly.
Year of foundation
Headquartner in China
Assets Information 1
BalinBac has a lead clinical stage drug (phase 2/3) repurposed candidate, BB-708, with validated COVID-19 suppressing antiviral activity utilizing multiple recognized mechanisms of action. This SARS-CoV-2 activity has been demonstrated in a number of labs at a drugable micromolar level in human lung cell NHBE and Calu-3 cell line viral neutralization assays. BB-708 is a drug product in a unique inhaled drug delivery system that will stop viral replication of SARS-CoV-2. BalinBac’s multiple MOA anti-coronavirus drugs and inhaled delivery system provides a platform for repurposed therapeutics that will now have 20-year composition of matter patents as NCEs through BalinBac’s proprietary medicinal chemistry. This platform will be extended to other therapeutic areas after addressing the huge unmet need of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are seeking research collaboration and option agreements with big pharma and generic companies and are raising super-angel money to finance some small contributing studies relating to the formulation and for some general operating administrative expenses. We will be delivering the drugs to outpatients via electronic cigarettes in free base form and after this program enters the clinic will be developing a new device for hospital inpatient administration. We would be happy to talk to you about collaboration agreements and early investment.
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Mr John Gregg
Mr John Gregg

Bayer China

Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Cheryl Yang

Bayer China China

Leading MNC in China
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Primary care products
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Ms. Betty Huang
Head of BD&L China/APAC 
Shuang/Ariel Ren
LinkedIn logo Senior Manager 
lei zhu

Bayer Healthcare China

Bayer Healthcare
Dr. Min Pang
Alliance Manager