Eyedetec Medical, Inc. United States

Dry Eye Disease (DED) significantly impacts quality of life and vision, and the incidence is growing 7% annually (30M in US, 350M worldwide). Time spent on digital screens is accelerating this increase. There is currently no cure, and available treatments often create fear, anxiety, and discomfort, and are costly. Eyedetec Medical is developing a novel, internet connected, non-invasive platform medical device for treating patients that is effective, soothing, and relaxing, and will be used by patients in office and at home. The scalability and flexibility of this approach enables doctors to meet growing patient demand while generating meaningful new revenue. Proof-of-concept clinical data is positive. This novel therapy is easier to use, much more comfortable for the patient, and significantly less expensive than alternatives.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Company that will invest, with a sales team, and potential to acquire.
Headquartner in China
Medtech Information 1
Eye Lipid Mobilizer|Hands-free, externally delivered, novel treatment for dry eye disease.|USA
Medtech Development Stage
Dr. Barry Linder, MD, MS
Dr. Barry Linder, MD, MS
LinkedIn logo President & CEO 

Next Pharma Inc. Canada

Next Pharma Inc. (NPI) is a biotechnology company headquartered in Toronto, Canada, focused on developing and commercializing products for early detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of the recurrence of Cancer and COVID-19 disease.
NPI is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and will globally distribute and commercialize its AABH based diagnostic tests. NPI’s diagnostic tests are regarded as revolutionary as they can help to diagnose cancer at an early stage using a blood serum with high sensitivity/high specificity, fast turnaround (within 7 hours), are relatively inexpensive and are non-invasive.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Shareholder, and/or Partnership, and /or Profit sharing
Headquartner in China
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
NPI-Cancer Detection Blood Test|ELISA Kit|Canada
Medtech Development Stage
Aspartyl (Asparaginyl) β Hydroxylase (AABH), Cancer Biomarker, Companion Imaging, and Diagnostic Strategy 

SiGenex Inc United States

SiGenex mission is to make clinical genetics accessible to everyone everywhere. The company is developing a bench top sample to answer targeted genetic testing solution that can be deployed anywhere in any resource setting environment.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Looking for partners that can help provide prototyping services, distribution and marketing.
Headquartner in China
Medtech Development Stage
Mr. Tan Rasab


Approximately 900,000 people annually in the United States suffer from damage to the articular cartilage and subchondral bone, with the knee being the most commonly affected. Articular cartilage lesions have a limited intrinsic ability to heal and often result in osteoarthritis (OA). Progression to OA poses significant economic burden for the United States, totaling over $300 billion annually, and negatively impacting 54.4 million adults (23% of the population). Current strategies for cartilage restoration include bone marrow stimulation (microfracture) and autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). These methods have high failure rates (25-50% at 10 years), prolonged rehabilitation times (> 12 months), and show decreasing efficacy in patients older than 40-50 years of age. 

Sparta Biomedical is developing the first-of-its kind osteochondral repair technology (SBM-01) for support the restoration of the cartilage-bone unit. This purpose-built technology is comprised of a novel biomimetic material possesses cartilage-like properties-- tension, compression, tribology, and fatigue.  The patent-pending surface is combined with a uniquely designed base to promote efficient osseous attachment and stable fixation over the long-term. Sparta’s technology will be a significant advancement in the current surgical standard of care. It will result in substantial pain reduction, immediate weight bearing post-operatively, and full range ambulation.

Sparta has assembled a nationally recognized team of scientists, clinicians, orthopedic regulatory experts to develop SBM-01 rapidly and cost effectively. SBM-01's risk profile enables an efficient regulatory path. Furthermore, it is well positioned to obtain Breakthrough Device Designation from the US FDA.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
Seeking seed funding
Headquartner in China
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
SBM-01 is a medical device. It is a first of its kind osteochondral repair technology for support the restoration of the cartilage-bone unit. This purpose-built technology is comprised of a novel biomimetic material possesses cartilage-like properties-- tension, compression, tribology, and fatigue. The patent-pending surface is combined with a uniquely designed base to promote efficient osseous attachment and stable fixation over the long-term. Sparta’s technology will be a significant advancement in the current surgical standard of care. It will result in substantial pain reduction, immediate weight bearing post-operatively, and full range ambulation. SBM-01 has a significant patent pending IP estate across several geographies.
Medtech Development Stage
Slides Deck
(pdf, 1.64MB)
Founder & CEO