Paul DeRidder United States

Assist Consultation, Assistance, Service
• Identify Distribution Opportunities, Partners, Joint Ventures
• Guidance for Product Registration (SFDA), Regulatory Issues
• Intellectual Property Assessment
• Develop Successful Business Strategy
• Marketing/Analysis
• Manufacturing/Sourcing
• Investment Advisory

BioValleyCHINA Ventures

Dr. Jin Di United States

Bio pharmaceutical
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Partnering Objectives
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Headquartner in China

David Dill United States

We have, by a wide margin, the safest and most effective nocturia drug. Nocturia leads to over 10,000 deaths per day and costs the US economy $215B/year in lost worktime and lower productivity.  We have the only drug that treats low bladder capacity, which is an issue for 76% of nocturia sufferers.  Our clinical trial results were 5x better than the first FDA approved nocturia drug and 2.5x better than the other FDA approved nocturia drug, both of which carry a black warning about a dangerous blood disorder and have other side effects.  Of course these drugs treat polyuria rather than low bladder capacity, so they are not competitors for our drug.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Slides Deck
(pptx, 1.44MB)
Wellesley Pharmaceuticals, LLC
CEO & President 

Martin Duenas United States

OniX invest in companies in two ways: (1) Directly through it OniX Venture Fund and (2) Indirectly through its OniX hub members (includes pharma, VC, PE, family offices and private foundations)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Service Description
The Online Ideas Exchange Hub (OniX) accelerates the path of ideas from discovery to market with a global research Intelligence hub that integrates data from universities, not-for-profit research organizations and industry to (1) de-risk and accelerate R&D, (2) identify new targets and new potential uses for existing drug candidates, (3) identify Business Development opportunities (earlier than current venues), (4) facilitate External Innovation Partnering, and (5) provide access to KOLs.
OniX Hub

Mr. Greg Eoyang United States

The everbeat platform is being offered by Grektek, whose mission is to help dramatically improve cardiac care. We created everbeat to improve our ability to take care of ourselves, especially as we get older, and with a strong focus on heart health. Most existing solutions related to cardiac care are unattractive and cumbersome, and brand the patient as weak or sickly. At Grektek, we designed everbeat to be elegant and simple, allowing patients to take better care of themselves with dignity and comfort. We also believe that patients will enjoy the everbeat solution, which means they will use it consistently for a long time – and sustained use of a cardiac monitoring platform is essential to getting healthy.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Medical organizations looking to deploy remote patient monitoring solutions that can be proved to help their patients.
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Assets Information 1
Everbeat Watch|Watch that can take a clinical grade ECG||USA
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
Everbeat | wearable ECG band | USA
Medtech Development Stage

Dr. Joseph Evans United States

Pleiogenix is a clinical-stage bio-pharmaceutical company that will develop safe and effective treatments for liver and other diseases with significant unmet medical needs. The initial disease that Pleiogenix is targeting is alcoholic hepatitis (AH), with additional diseases to follow (COVID-19, Fibrosis, and NASH) . AH is a deadly liver disease resulting in mortality in most patients within 6 months, in the absence of a liver transplant. The global and US prevalence is 20-25%. The AH market is estimated to be $1.2 Billion in 2025, having a current annual growth rate of 6% (2019-2025). There are no approved efficacious therapeutics for the prevention or treatment of AH (dexamethasone reduces inflammation). The target patients for therapy include those with moderate and severe forms of AH. Pleiogenix has identified a Phase 2A-ready drug candidate, PLG888, an orally available, pan-PPAR agonist (non-thiazolidinedione) that increases circulating adiponectin without eliciting body weight gain or edema. Adiponectin is a hormone possessing significant anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, and multiple metabolic clinical benefits. In patients suffering from AH, inflammation is severely increased. In animal models of NASH, increased adiponectin is linked to decreased systemic inflammation, increased hepatic fat oxidation, decreased hepatic fibrosis, and amelioration of NASH. Thus, PLG888 has the potential to become the first prescription pharmaceutical that exhibits multiple beneficial effects, in the context of AH.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
Fundraising (Seed Round)
Headquartner in China
Assets Information 1
PLG888|Orally-available, Phase 2A-ready drug candidate|alcoholic hepatitis|7 US patents; 1 each for Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Australia
Assets Information 2
PLG888|ailable, Phase 2A-ready drug candidate|COVID-19; prevent /reduce cytokine storm|7 US patents; 1 each for Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Australia
Assets Information 3
PLG888|Orally-available, Phase 2A-ready drug candidate|non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH); Fibrosis diseases|7 US patents; 1 each for Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Australia
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
CEO & President 

Dr. Steven Everett United States

MaveriX Oncology is exploiting cancer and immune cell metabolism to discover and develop new targeted therapeutics that challenge the limitations of current chemotherapy and immunotherapy. The MaveriX technology approach is a multi-target, multi-asset small-molecule platform with potential first and best-in-class therapeutics designed for monotherapy and combination chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Our experienced team of pharma executives is developing a proprietary pipeline of drug candidates with the goal of bring new and improved treatments to patients that suffer from cancer. Our lead program MVX5005 (E037) is well tolerated and exhibits broad, single- agent anti-tumor activity in preclinical mouse models of cancer. The unique mechanism-of-action targets cancer cells directly, induces immunogenic cell death while eradicating immune suppressive cells within the tumor microenvironment. E037 is currently completing IND-enabling studies targeting clinical entry Q3 2021. The company is currently raising capital and seeking strategic partnership opportunities to support clinical development to POC with differentiated platform expansion.

MaveriX Oncology, Inc., is a globally-orientated biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of novel targeted small-molecule chemo-immunotherapies. The MaveriX technology approach exploits oncogenic and immunogenic targets that are over-expressed to a high frequency in the majority of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. This is a multi-target, multi-asset small-molecule platform technology with potential first and best-in-class therapeutics designed primarily for monotherapy activity in the clinic but with a robust mechanistic rational for combination chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Our experienced team of pharma executives is developing a proprietary pipeline of drug candidates with the goal of bringing new and improved treatments to patients suffering from cancer. Our lead program MVX5005 (E037) is well tolerated with broad single agent anti-tumor activity, can overcome key resistance mechanisms in cancer, and challenge the limitations of current chemotherapy and immunotherapy approaches. MVX5005 is currently completing formal IND-enabling studies, targeting clinical entry beginning Q3 2021 (phase 1a dose escalation with disease-specific expansion cohorts for monotherapy plus phase 1b combination chemotherapy and immunotherapy).

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
China territory or global partnering opportunities
Headquartner in China
Assets Information 1
MVX5005 (E037)
Assets Information 2
Assets Information 3
MaveriX Oncology, Inc.
LinkedIn logo President & CEO 

Mr. Michael Ezem United States

An investment group transforming

the world of healthcare one sector at a time.

We consolidate CROs and medical labs.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Find potential investors and strategic partners. Our strategy allows investors to triple their investment.
Headquartner in China
Aeola Health Solutions
Aeola Health Solutions 

Dr. Xi Fang United States

An investment firm focused on early-stage Biotech and MedTech startups.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
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Headquartner in China
Button Capital
Founding Partner 

Jane Fang United States

An innovative company to partner with emerging biotech companies in drug clinical development and commercialization through United States and China alliance of drug development.
Polaris Strategic Partners