Greg Li United States

LinkedUp Bio, pioneered a novel antibody drug discovery engine that is dedicated to developing novel biological therapeutics for diseases that have limited or no successful treatment.
The gamechanger element is that we can scree the entire natural immune repertoire with unprecedented speed and scales and identified hits rapidly and efficiently, thereby greatly increasing the success rate of potential therapeutics for targets that are hard to drug.

AbLink Platform: Screening the entire immune repertoire for more efficient antibody discovery
LInkedUp Bio is using microfluidic device to enable single B cell encapsulation, and subsequently, extract the information of heavy chain and light chain of antibody from tens of millions of B cells and then transferred them into our in-house engineered yeast system. These antibody copies in the yeast cells maintained their natural heavy chaiin and light chain pair, and good biophysical stabilities of the original B cells. Our yeast strain has both display and secretion mode which enables quick chacterization of the potential hits, eliminating the step for mamamlian expression for further hits validation, a typical bottleneck for many single B cell platfrom.

The AbLink Platform is the only platform allowing comprehensive screening of the natural antibody repertoire. This results in at least 100 times more hits than hybridoma and other single B cell platforms. Other benefits include more extensive epitope coverage, more unique and rare sequences & diversity, higher affinity, and functionality. Currently the platform gathered a great deal of interest in industry as we already collaborated with two biopharmas and several others are in the middle of conversation.

LUB-001 : Tackling malignant melanoma and solid tumors
LinkedUp Bio’s first target indication is malignant melanoma, one of the deadliest forms of human cancer, due to the high incidence of metastases and drug resistance. Extensive research supports the role of a new target X for malignant melanoma, potentially affecting tumor growth, survival and metastasis. However, due to the limitations of traditional antibody discovery technologies and the complex structure of the target, there have been numerous antibody candidates that showed limited efficacy in inhibition of tumor growth, never matched the high expectation and promise of a breakthrough treatment.
LinkedUp developed a novel antibody clone for this target X and in vitro data demonstrated drastically improvement of the ability of the immune system to attack the tumor cells. LinkedUp Bio’s approach can provide a novel promising treatment for many different types of cancer, such as triple negative breast cancer, glioblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and more.
LUB-002: Tackling congenital muscular dystrophy
Alpha Dystrolycanopathy is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of muscular dystrophies with the defective matriglycan which links the muscle cells with extracellular matrix . The cause of the defection involved more than 18 genes, and manifested various degree of severity in clinical symptoms. Currently there no effective therapy for this group of diseases. Novel strategies like antisense, AAV gene therapy, enzyme replace can only address one kind gene a time, making a significant commercial challenge. We propose a novel bispecific antibody approach that functions as a surrogate molecular linker to reconnect extracelluar matrix and the muscle cells to ameliorate sarcolemmal fragility, a primary pathology in patients with alpha-dystroglycan- related muscular dystrophies.

We are currently seeking fund to move our program forward and expand our team.

Greg Li, Co-founder, President
Stephen Gillies, Co-founder, CSO
Tao Wang, Co-founder, Vice President of Antibody Discovery

Jason Lavinder, Cofounder, Advisory Board
Year of foundation
Headquartner in China
LinkedUp Bioscience

Dr. Zhi Li United States

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Partnering Objectives
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Headquartner in China

Dr. Barry Linder, MD, MS United States

Dry Eye Disease (DED) significantly impacts quality of life and vision, and the incidence is growing 7% annually (30M in US, 350M worldwide). Time spent on digital screens is accelerating this increase. There is currently no cure, and available treatments often create fear, anxiety, and discomfort, and are costly. Eyedetec Medical is developing a novel, internet connected, non-invasive platform medical device for treating patients that is effective, soothing, and relaxing, and will be used by patients in office and at home. The scalability and flexibility of this approach enables doctors to meet growing patient demand while generating meaningful new revenue. Proof-of-concept clinical data is positive. This novel therapy is easier to use, much more comfortable for the patient, and significantly less expensive than alternatives.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Company that will invest, with a sales team, and potential to acquire.
Headquartner in China
Medtech Information 1
Eye Lipid Mobilizer|Hands-free, externally delivered, novel treatment for dry eye disease.|USA
Medtech Development Stage
Dr. Barry Linder, MD, MS
Eyedetec Medical, Inc.
LinkedIn logo President & CEO 

Fa Liu United States

Focus-X is a preclinical stage biotech company committed to the Discovery and development,, of personalized precision medicine fulfilling the unmet needs in cancer diagnosis and treatment. We are to release the true potential of radioligand therapy by leveraging our world class peptide drug discovery platform and joining force with top radiopharmaceutical partners.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Partnering Objectives
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Connection to investors and partners
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Focus-X Therapuetics

Mr. Avery Lu United States

We bring foundational science and commercial viability together for social and market impact.

We provide a human innovation ecosystem offering commercially focused support for inventors.


6 practice areas: AI, Robotics, Life Science, Quantum Computing, Energy, Secure Platforms & Networks
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Strategic collaboration
Headquartner in China
Aventurine Capital Management, LLC
Investment Research Lead 

Dr. Min Lu United States

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Assoc Principal Scientist 

Ying Luan United States

Early cancer detection company
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Associate Director 

Dr. Tianlin Ma United States

BioPegasus, LLC specializes in a cost-effective and robust post-proteomics and post-protein and peptide array technology biomarker and target discovery technology platform. This proprietary platform is unique and transformative, allowing systematic, thorough and unambiguous discovery, identification and isolation of tissue-specific and disease-specific autoantigens and key disease drivers/proteins and their genes, and disease-specific antibodies in order to solve some most challenging problems of our time. It aims to accelerate novel therapeutic and diagnostic development for some devastating diseases to improve our health and quality of life. These diseases include autoimmune diseases, cancer, and, in particular, Alzheimer’s disease.

BioPegasus' technology platform provides a revolutionary tool for systematical and thorough studying novel molecular interactions and mechanism of actions with any molecule of interest. The platform can be used to provide contract services with royalty payment potential to research institutions and companies in IVD, biotech and pharma sectors. The technology can also be packaged into commercial product(s) with a user manual for sale in the market world-wide.

BioPegasus currently is operated by its founder looking for an investor(s), partner(s), and sponsor(s)/client(s) or any form of collaboration/interest.

not available
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
1) Seeking investment(s) for developing cost-effective and minimally invasive blood antibody biomarker tests for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and early detection (a 3-year project); and/or 2) Looking for any interested party(ies) to work together.
Headquartner in China
Assets Information 1
biomarker and target discovery technology platform|||
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Your Research Tool and Service name
A unique and transformative λ phage cDNA expression library construction and screening (not phage display). A cost-effective and robust novel biomarker and target discovery technology platform for novel diagnostic and therapeutic development.
Service Description
BioPegasus' technology platform provides a revolutionary tool for systematically and thoroughly studying novel molecular interactions and mechanism of actions with any molecule of interest and allowing unambiguous discovery, identification and isolation of tissue-specific and disease-specific autoantigens and key disease drivers/proteins and their genes, and disease-specific antibodies in order to solve some most challenging problems of our time in novel diagnostic and therapeutic development.
Target client type
1) As diagnostic and early detection tests for Alzheimer's disease: general population for early detection (POCT, age 50 years and better) and patients for severity and diagnosis (lab tests); 2) As a research tool: client types include research institutions and diagnostic IVD, biotech and pharma companies
Slides Deck
(pdf, 957.61KB)
BioPegasus, LLC

Bonn Macy United States

Phyteau is developing an innovative, new class of therapeutics for diabetes, obesity, related conditions like NAFLD, NASH and prediabetes, and weight-loss. Unlike many drugs in the market today, our therapeutics are completely safe, and free of adverse side-effects.

Phyteau’s new incretin-based approach activates the body’s natural metabolic system
by triggering specialized enteroendocrine cells in the lining of the intestines to release
therapeutic levels of key hormones, including GLP-1, PYY and CCK. These boosted hormones:

1) signal insulin release,
2) reduce blood sugar levels and peaks, and HbA1c,
3) reduce appetite, food intake and weight, increase satiety,
4) slows gastric emptying and intestinal motility,
5) improve metabolism and fat thermogenesis,
6) reduce liver fat and fibrosis,
7) protect against many age-related functional declines and conditions, and
8) provide restorative and protective benefits to the cardiovascular and nervous systems and major organs

The result is safe and affordable first-line treatments that provide a powerful tool for blood sugar control, weight-loss and improving metabolism. Our technology, developed at Caltech, UCLA and Cedars Sinai Medical Center, has 3 patents awarded, 5 more pending, with more planned.

Phyteau’s deep technology platform and portfolio of agents allows us to address growing unmet global needs in a variety of markets. We have 3 pharmaceutical products in development as well as breakthrough medical and functional food products and other consumer health & nutrition products.

Year of foundation
Headquartner in China
Assets Information 1
Phyteau's therapeutic platform represents a comprehensive range of gut hormone secretagogues. Our gut hormone secretagogues are powerful agonists for GCPR's on enteroedocrine cells in the intestines, causing the therapeutic release of metabolic gut hormones (including GLP-1, PYY and CCK).
Biotech/Pharma Asset Stage
Slides Deck
(pdf, 294.95KB)

Dr. Manoj Manoj United States

ISHA Therapeutics, is a unique organization with its primary location based out of New Jersey, exclusively focused on supporting clinical and translational development programs spanning from very early on to late stage developments. We provide consulting services to our esteemed clients who aspire to develop safe and efficacious new drugs, devices and biologicals. We also have our in-house innovative drug development pipeline.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Out- license some technologies
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
ISHA Therapeutics LLC
Founder and CEO 