OneWorld Diagnostics Germany

OneWorld Diagnostics is a German biotech company which focuses on veterinary diagnostics solutions and R&D tools and products. With our professional services and customized research solution, OneWorld Diagnostics is a trusted contract research organization specializing in diagnostic assay development and tech transfer. We are the trusted partner of the Top 5 international and Chinese pharmaceutical companies.
Our expertise is in developing research solution particularly in microbiology, molecular and immunology assay development and tech transfer in China and European markets.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
Looking for collaboration on Biotech innovation
Headquartner in China
Your Research Tool and Service name
R&D and tech transfer
Target client type
Biotech companies
Dr. Karen Hung

OniX Hub United States

OniX invest in companies in two ways: (1) Directly through it OniX Venture Fund and (2) Indirectly through its OniX hub members (includes pharma, VC, PE, family offices and private foundations)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Headquartner in China
Service Description
The Online Ideas Exchange Hub (OniX) accelerates the path of ideas from discovery to market with a global research Intelligence hub that integrates data from universities, not-for-profit research organizations and industry to (1) de-risk and accelerate R&D, (2) identify new targets and new potential uses for existing drug candidates, (3) identify Business Development opportunities (earlier than current venues), (4) facilitate External Innovation Partnering, and (5) provide access to KOLs.
Martin Duenas

Otomagnetics United States

Otomagnetics is a biotechnology Company developing a non-invasive platform technology to deliver drugs and other therapeutic payloads to the inner and middle ear compartments, eye and skin. The link to the explainer video on the technology is provided below.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Looking for partners focusing on ear disorders, macular degeneration and diabetic ulcers
Headquartner in China
Mrs. Abhita Batra

Panakes Partners SGRSpa Italy

Panakes Partners is a Venture Capital investor financing early and late stage medical companies, with innovative products and great ambition teams.
Panakes invests in seed to pre-IPO rounds mainly in European companies but also in Israel and in the US.
The team provides more than capital working together with entrepreneurs to develop successful businesses as an active and well-connected investor. Panakes has a strong relationships with selected industrial partners of the sector to help companies to accelerate their development
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
to see companies
Headquartner in China
Medtech Category
Mrs. Diana Saraceni

Pavliska Industries Netherlands

Business and scientific consultant driving business and corporate match making in drug discovery and development across Europe and in the US
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
Generation n t innovative interactions and relationships across Europe and with Asia.
Headquartner in China
Miss Heidi Pavliska
Senior Director Business Development 

Personalis United States

Personalis, Inc. headquartered in Menlo Park California, USA, Was established in 2011 as a Stanford University spin-out by a team of internationally-renown Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) thought leaders to provide advanced genomic sequencing and analytics solutions to support the development of personalized cancer vaccines and cancer immunotherapies by providing more comprehensive molecular data bout each patient’s cancer and immune response. The Personalis ImmunoID NeXT Platform TM is designed to adapt to the complex and evolving understanding of cancer, providing its biopharmaceutical customers with information on all of the approximately 20,000 human genes, together with the immune system, from a single tissue sample The Personalis Clinical Laboratory in Menlo Park, Califonria is GxP aligned as well as CLIA’88-certified and CAP-accredited.

On 10 June 2020 Personalis, Inc announced a partnership with Berry Genomics with plans to expand operations in PRC with a wholly-owned subsidiary in Shanghai. Berry will provide sequencing services and local support to Personalis operation in Shanghai. Personalis, Inc was granted approval for a business license for Shanghai Personalis Biotechnology Co, LTD on 15 October 2020. The expansion to China includes buildout of a laboratory operation for local customers to use its ImmunoID Next Platform, a commercial team to support local customers and general and administrative functions.

Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Partnering Objectives
Please specify your partnering goal
We are looking for partnership opportunities with with local therapeutics and diagnostic companies in China
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Medtech Category
Medtech Information 1
Your Research Tool and Service name
ImmunoID NeXT
Service Description
ImmunoID NeXT is the best in class NGS based IO profiling platform.
Target client type
pharma companies
Dr. Howard Pan
Director of Business Development 

Petrone Group Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Singapore

Petrone Group Asia Pacific Pte Ltd gives support to Sponsors , CROs , Clinical Research Institutes , Pharma and Biotech company for IMP management and Comparators sourcing.

We are a specialized company in high quality furniture of Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP) and in services for international clinics experimentations , our service has high flexibility in managing clinical trials from phase I to phase IV according to customers’ specific requirements.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Year of foundation
Please specify your partnering goal
Comparators sourcing provider
Headquartner in China
Mr. Norberto Pandolfi Orecchia
Managing Director 

Pfizer China

Pfizer Inc. is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation. One of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies.
Company Size (Fulltime employees)
Please specify your partnering goal
Looking for innovative products and companies with innovative pipeline assets.
Headquartner in China
Biotech/Pharma Category
Dr. Feng Bian
Dr. Feng Bian
Sr Director/Emerging Science Lead-China 
林 王
Ms. ying wu
Dr. Ying Niu
China Search and Evaluation Lead 

Pharma - Acon Pharma United States

Please contact us using Acon Pharmaceutical Inc. 

Headquartner in China
Yuan Xudong